Where does the time go? Into a lot of hours at the computer pushing, pulling, squashing, stretching, deforming, overlapping and following through!
I am happy to announce that I have successfully completed the 18 month long Animation Mentor program!!
What a great journey it was, being exposed to so many top animation professionals sharing all their secrets and techniques. Their unabated enthusiasm for this artform was infectious. The program was everything I hoped it would be, and I believe it has opened the doors wide to a great career in animation. While this current economy may mean that a job at a large studio won't happen as soon as I would like, I am nevertheless confidant that I now possess the knowledge I need to take me wherever I want to go with this. Of course, there is much more to discover through practice and experimentation. I am cognizant of the flaws and faults that have yet to be ironed out with experience. But no longer do I feel that I am missing any pieces of the puzzle, and it will be my unflagging passion that takes me the rest of the way. How great is that?
Here's a link to my current demo reel: http://vimeo.com/channels/stardial
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