random thoughts • coming attractions • euphoric visions • misc ephemera

life is getting real interesting lately, isn't it?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Blocked, and ready for crit...

Here's a shot that I've been working on through the summer, when not engaged in my day job or a little thing called SIGGRAPH 2012, and I now have some time to push it to the next phase. I would benefit very much from fresh eyes, so if you have any critique on how I might plus this before going into spline, please share your thoughts!

<-- Click on pic to view Quicktime

p.s. for my non-animator friends not versed in 3D shot development, I realize I am talking in a foreign language when I say "plus this before going into spline" lol! So, really, just let me know if the rough blocking looks good to you, or if you think something is missing in the action. Note that this phase does not yet have full facial expressions, lipsync, or smoothed motion. :)

1 comment:

  1. I got some excellent critique and suggestions via email from several of my animator colleagues, and I am spending the weekend pouring over them and the shot for the next iteration. Thanks everyone!
